Checklist Output

Team Player Card Set Card Number Print Run
New York JetsDarrelle RevisCommons136Not #d
New York JetsDarrelle RevisExtra Points Black13610
New York JetsDarrelle RevisExtra Points Black Signatures13625
New York JetsDarrelle RevisExtra Points Gold136250
New York JetsDarrelle RevisExtra Points Green13625
New York JetsDarrelle RevisExtra Points Orange136Not #d
New York JetsDarrelle RevisExtra Points Purple13650
New York JetsDarrelle RevisExtra Points Red136100
New York JetsDarrelle RevisPatches Platinum136Not #d
New York JetsDarrelle RevisStars of the NFL14Not #d
New York JetsDarrelle RevisStars of the NFL Materials14250
New York JetsDarrelle RevisStars of the NFL Materials Prime1450